Bethel Primitive Baptist Church
Echols County, Georgia

The Bethel Primitive Baptist Church was originally constituted in 1843 and services were held continually until January 1992. The church was reconstituted April 18, 1993 and services were held until several years ago (source). The original church is believed to have been built during or about 1843. On September 23, 1930, the land on which it was built was bought from D.H. Register for the sum of $100.00. The description of the land, copied from the original deed, is as follows:
Two acres of land, lot # 464 in the 13th land District of Echols County, Georgia, and better described as follows, beginning at light wood post, near the well at church above named and running in South direction 100 yards to light wood post, thence East 119 yards to light wood post, thence North 100 yards to light wood post, thence West 119 yards to starting point, said tract or parcel of land where the church above and cemetery are now located.
On July 16th, 1959, two additional acres were purchased to enlarge the cemetary. They were bought from D. H. and Mary Register, who had bought them from Harley Langdale on January 25, 1944. In the year 1963, a new church building was built and is now standing. The money to build this church was donated by many including Ray and Nancy Morgan, Jesse and Sarah Fouraker, the Hamp Allen family, the James Fouraker family, the Joe Wetherington family, and many others.
The first ministers who preached there, to the best of our memory were Brother Davis and Brother O. J. Reeves. To preserve the family heritage, The Bethel Primitive Baptist Preservation and Historical Committee has obtained this church.