Page 131 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 131
2 Dying sinners, come and try,
These waters will relieve you,
Without money come and buy,
For Christ will freely give you.
Ho ! every one, &c.
3 He who drinks shall never die ;
These waters fail him never:
Sinners, come and now apply,
And drink and live forever.
Ho ! every one, &c.
4 Weeping mary, full of grief,
Came begging for these waters,
Jesus gave her full relief
With Zion’s sons and daughters,
Ho ! every one, &c.
5 See the woman at the well,
Conversing with the Saviour ;
Soon she found that he could tell
The whole of her behaviour,
Ho ! every one, &c.
6 When she asked and she obtained
A drink, her heart was flaming ;
Thus the gift divine she gained,
And ran to town, proclaiming,
Ho! every one, &c.
7 The thief had only time to think,
And tell his doleful story ;
Jesus gave him leave to drink,
He drank, and fled to glory.
Ho! every one, &c.