Page 220 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 220
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Incomparable food, or the flesh and blood of Christ.
1 JESUS, we bow before thy feet;
Thy table is divinely stored ;
Thy sacred flesh our souls have eat ;
’Tis living bread—we thank thee, Lord.
2 And here we drink our Saviour’s blood ;
We thank thee, Eord, ’tis generous wine;
Mingled with love, the fountain flowed
From that dear bleeding heart of thine.
3 On earth is no such sweetness found,
For the Lamb’s flesh is heavenly food ;
In vain we search the globe around,
For bread so fine, or wine so good.
4 Carnal provisions can, at best,
But cheer the heart or warm the head ;
But the rich cordial that we taste,
Gives life eternal to the dead.
5 Joy to the Master of the feast;
His name our souls forever bless :
To God the King, and God the Priest,
A loud hosanna round the place.
256 L. M.
The memorials of grace.
1 JESUS is gone above the skies
J Where our weak senses reach him not;
And carnal objects court our eyes,
To thrust our Saviour from our thought.
2 He knows what wandering hearts we have,
Apt to forget his lovely face ;
And to refresh our minds he gave
These kind memorials of his grace