Page 228 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 228
As to Canaan on ye move,
Bless and praise redeeming love.
3 Mourning souls, dry up your tears,
Banish all your guilty fears ;
See your guilt and curse remove,
Cancelled by redeeming love.
4 Ye, alas ! who long have been
Willing slaves to death and sin,
Now from bliss no longer rove;
Stop, and taste redeeming love.
5 Welcome all by sin oppressed,
Welcome to his sacred rest;
Nothing brought him from above,
Nothing but redeeming love.
3 When his Spirit leads us home,
When we to his glory come,
We shall all the fullness prove
Of our Lord’s redeeming love.
f Hither then your music bring;
Strike aloud each cheerful string;
Mortals, join the host above,
Join to praise redeeming love.
265 P. M.
Ecstatic {/lories.
1 DURST, ye emerald gates, and bring
D To my raptured vision
All the ecstatic joys that spring
Round the bright Elysian.
Lo, we lift our longing eyes ;
Break, ye intervening skies;
Sun of righteousness arise,
Open the gates of paradise.,