Page 43 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 43
Bow to the sceptre of his love,
And take the Saviour’s grace.
5 Lord, we obey the call;
We lay an humble claim
To the salvation thou has brought,
And love and praise thy name.
29 C. M.
The Incarnation.
1 A WAKE, awake the sacred song
J*- To our incarnate Lord—
Let every heart and every tongue
Adore the eternal Word.
2 That awful Word, that sovereign Pow^
By whom the worlds were made,
(O happy morn ! illustrious hour!)
Was once in flesh arrayed.
3 Then shone almighty power and love,
In all their glorious forms.
When Jesus left his throne above,
To dwell with sinful worms.
4 To dwell with misery below,
The Saviour left the skies,
And stooped to wretchedness and woe,
That worthless man might rise.
5 Adoring angels tuned their songs
To hail the joyful day ;
With rapture, then, let mortal tongues
Their grateful worship pay.
6 What glory, Lord, to thee is due!
With wonder we adore;
But could we sing as angels do,
Our highest praise were poor.