Page 91 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 91
3 The foolish builders, serine and priest,
Reject it with disdain ;
Yet on this Rock the church shall rest,
And envy rage in vain.
4 What though the gates of hell withstood,
Yet must this building rise;
’Tis thine own work, Almighty God,
And wondrous in our eyes.
92 C. M.
Christ’s Intercession.
1 I IFT up your eyes to th’ heavenly seats
L' Where the Redeemer stays;
Kind intercessor, there he sits,
And loves, and pleads, and prays.
2 ’Twas well, my soul, he died for thee,
And shed his vital blood;
Appeased stern justice on the tree,
And then arose to God.
3 Petitions now and praise may rise,
And saints their off’rings bring;
The Priest, with his own sacrifice,
Presents them to the king.
4 [L,et Papists trust what names they please;
Their saints and angels boast;
We’ve no such advocates as these,
Nor pray to th’ heavenly host,]