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P. 65
The Missing Mace
The search for the missing taking up this story in the
mace of Sir Cahir Rua autumn. Our thanks to The
O’Dogherty, which should Derry Journal and The Irish
today be resting alongside his News, for highlighting the
battle-sword in Derry’s Tower facts relating to this civic
Museum, located at the treasure, which was willed to
O’Doherty Fort, is now Derry City Council, along with
entering its sixth year. Recent Sir Cahir’s sword, by the late
developments include the Harry P. Swann, a well known
preparation and presentation m anufacturer, historian,
of a 14-page report on the charity worker and author of
investigations to date, many fine works. The trail for
spearheaded by our editor, the the missing mace began after
Derry historian and writer, reading one of these, THE
Mr. Fionnbarra BOOK OF INISHOWEN, pub
O’Dochartaigh. The lengthy lished in 1938, by Willian
report was delivered to Derry Doherty, printers, Bunerana.
Our editor now wishes to trace
City Councillor, Pat Devine,
the leader of the S.D.L.P. the immediate family of
Group on the City Council. H arry P. Swann, who
When interviewed by local emigrated to either Australia
journalists Cllr. Devine or New Zealand, as he feels
recalled one item, an ancient that they too would be
cannon which had been interested in expressing their
mysteriously removed from desire to see their father’s will
Brooke Park in recent years, fully implemented. Our
and was relocated on a British Australian or New Zealand
army base in England. It was readers are kindly requested
duly returned after public to forward any information or
pressure. Another artefact, a advice on how best this family
ship made, ■ from skillfully can be located. In the
carved bones left over after meantime, the actual will of
dinner, by French P.O.Ws. of H.P. Swann has been
the Napoleonic war period, j requested from the relevant
was rediscovered at the home ; public office in Dublin, which
of a Unionist former mayor, - should prove to make very
whom the councillor refused interesting reading as other
to name. He is confident that historic artifacts may have
the council’s track record is also been left to D eny City
good, but our clan will Council, that they were are
continue its independent unaware of. Such will also be
search. Our editor has written 1 passed onto Cllr. Pat Devine
to Scofield’s Quest, an and Derry City Council, as
Independent Television well as the Clann
programme, which has O’Dochartaigh lawyers.
expressed a keen interest in