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Our Contemporary Clan
Ramon, born in San newspaper unto the list of ancestors was Sean from the French.
Fernando, Spain, on 30th Corresponding Fellows of the O’Dogherty (c. 1588-1638) who On the Centenary of that
april, 1919, is a Doctor of first-named Royal Academy. was a brother of the last ruling famous battle, a special
Biopathology. He graduated The honour was duly granted chieftain, who had no male decoration was established for
as a medical doctor in Cadiz, in early 1991. heirs. Sean had escaped to Co. the descendants of the officers
in 1942. The following year he Ramon’s current duties Cavan where he settled with who participated in that great
studied for a Doctorate in the include, Deputy General his family. His father had occasion. John married in
Faculty of Medicine at Madrid Visitor of the Supreme Council been jailed for assisting the Spain, setting up a family line
University. He holds a of the Royal Institute if safe return of survivors of the that continued through his
Diploma in infectious Knights Hospitaller of St. John Great Expedition, known by eldest son Juan (18131845). He
illnesses, awarded at the the Baptist. English historians as ‘The was also an officer, but in the
Hospital del Rev, Madrid. In Spanish Armada’ (15881. Spanish Army and died at the
1966 he became a recognised Our Clan Chieftain married young age of 32. His grandson,
specialist in Clinical Analyses, Catalina O’Dogherty (nee Another relevant member Ramon Salvador O’Dogherty
and in the same year obtained Febra), Dame Hospitaller of of the family line was John (1835-1902), who was
a Diploma in Laboratory St. John the Baptist, and their O’Dogherty (1777-1847), the distinguished with several
Techniques at the Esculela three children are Ramon Jr., fifth grandson to the above decorations for bravery al
Nacional de Medicina del Cristina and Begofia. He is the Sean O’Dogherty and the war and his great-grandson
Trabajo. XXXVn hereditary Chief of seventh grandson of Sean Mor Pascual (1886-1964), carrier
In addition, he is a Fellow Inis Eoghain, being the lineal O’Dogherty. John went to on the line. The latter, ;
of the Royal Academy of San descendant of the first line of Spain in 1790, in order to join Superintendent of a School o
Romualdo of Letters, Arts and descent of this illustrious the Royal Spanish Navy, Mathematics which achievei
. Sciences, and a Corre name, as shown in family where he had a distinguished such great prestige, that o:
sponding Member of the documents issued at Dublin military career. He his death, a street wa
Royal Academy of Medicine Castle in 1790 and 1793. participated with his two dedicated to his memory in hi
of Palma de Mallorca. In Records of the O'Dogherty brothers, Henry and Clinton- home town of San Femandi
recognition of his work for Family date back to 1522 at Dillon, in many sea battles. Our contemporary Clan
Clann O’Dochartaigh, and the Office of the Chief Herald He achieved great fame for Chieftain is the eldest son <
establishing links between of Ireland. his stand in the Battle of
various educational agencies Puente Sampaypo (1809), in ■ Pascual, and he is the authc
in Spain, America and The Doherty-Spanish link the Napoleonic war, where he of several specialist scientif:
works, published exclusive!
Ireland, our chieftain go back some time also. commanded the Spanish in Spanish.
proposed the editor of this Among Ramon’s direct forces and defended Vigo
General Varela, 163, San Fernando, Cadiz, Spain.