Page 10 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 10
Christian, heaven the re Christian, pleading promises,
ward of the, 216, 275, 284, 362, 400. 401, 492.
312, 355, 591, 592, 593, 594, praying for various bless
596, 597, 599, 602. 688.
heavenly joy of the earth, ings. See Prayer.
200. profited by affliction, 407.
hoping only in God, 268, promises sweet to the, 298,
314, 373, 422 310, 400, 401,405.. 411, 412.
imitating Christ, 38, 188, grace, 404,420.
219, 222. 224, 229, 327. rejoicing in hope of glory,
Indwelling sin lamented, 270, 272.
Journey through a wilder rejoicing in adversity, 294.
ness, 383, 691. rejoicing in the mercies of
justified, 93. God, 278
lamenting absence o f rejoicing in the ways of
Christ, 337 God, 8, 269.
lamenting inconstancy and religion exemplified by the,
coldness, 880, 884, 421, 504. 408.
lamenting indwelling sin-
162. repentance and faith of, 31,
lamenting a hard heart, 85, 73, 155 162, 165, 180, 27 '•
876, 377. 864, 389.
lamenting lost comforts. resignation of, 346, 347, 354
847, 568, 572. 358, 861, 368, 874, 879, 407’.
lamenting inconstancy, 567. 637.
leaving all for Christ, 267. resorting to Godin trouble,
life perilous, 357. 374.
living by faith, 354, 418, safety of, 324,410.
looking to Jesus, 141. safety of in Christ, 99, 320,
356, 857, 373, 601, 606, 610,
loving the church, 195, 197-
208. 612.
mansions prepared for in safety of in God only, 417.
heaven, 400. salvation of secure, 340, 356
mutual fellowship of, 191 seeking the beloved, 108.
194,197, 208, 271.
self-dedication, 50, 89, 321
obeying Christ, 188. 341, 497.
parting with the world, 89.
self-denial for Christ, 848.
self-examination, 880, 883,
patient in suffering, 347.
384, 390.
pleading merits of Christ’
188 sustained by God- 94