Page 13 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 13
Farewell in Christian fel God, goodness of seen in his
lowship, 620. works, 539.
goodness of universal,
Fasting and prayer, 579.
public, 573-576.
greatness of, 302.
Favor of God, preferred to
in all, 329.
sinners’ prosperity, 435.
in Christ, 8.
Feed my lambs, 415. incomprehensible. 323.
Fellowship of Christians, justice of, 155, 180.
185, 189-191, 194-197. love of 6, 14, 19, 290, 343.
love of manifested in
Filial confidence, 368.
pardon, 168.
submission, 346.
love of seen in the death
Following Christ, 188, 686.
of Christ, 28, 33, 35, 49,
Forgiveness of enemies, 327 263, 490, 495.
Forsaking all for Christ, 267’ majesty of, 302, 315, 325.
mercy of, 49, 301,408.
Friendship, 500.
mercy to soul and body,
G. 347.
omniscient and omni
GOD, all and in all, 342. present, 291.
all-sufficient refuge, 175. omniscience of and medi
ark of safety, 606. ation of Christ, 96.
author of salvation, 6, 14, perfections of, 323.
19,173, 297, perfections in his govern
ment, 303.
breathing after, 98, 395. portion, 342.
care for his creatures, 343. present with his people
character of seen in the 11, 478.
gospel, 304.
preserver, 299, 411, 412.
communion with, 360. providence of, 586.
dominion of, 325. dark providences, 15, 294,
dominion, eternity and 305, 325, 349, 385.
immutability of, 289. refuge and portion, 343.
faithfulness of, 293, 307, 340. rock, 367.
father, 314, 858. safety in, 367, 373, 637.
glory in his works and seen in creation and the
word, 539. gospel, 343.
glory and grace seen in shepherd, 299.
Christ, 11,14, 343. sovereign purposes of, 305,
goodness of, 344, 354, 359. 325.
goodness of acknowledg support, 175.
ed, 306, 329. Good old way, Christ the,
goodness of celebrated, Goodness, year crowned
844. 538, with. 538.