Page 17 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 17
P. Praise to Christ as the Re
deemer, 9, 28, 42, 47, 311,
PARDON on confession, 154. 503.
only by the cross, 87, 126,
to Christ a shepherd, 819,
implored, 138, 155, 157, 162, continual, 306.
exhortation to offer, 273,
and sanctification, 117-
287, 311, 315, 316.
Pardoning love, 146, 149, 335.
Parental entreaty, 136, 689. exhortation to offer to
Parting of Christians. See Christ, 53, 95, 304, 608.
feeble compared with
Farewell Hymns.
God’s greatness, 302.
Pastor chosen. See Ordi resolution to offer, 306.
nation Hymns.
in the temple, 273, 300.
affectionate charge to the universal, 316,512, 514.
church, 628. Prayer, 453-455,462,463.
Paul preaching before Felix, answered, 149, 460, 574.
498. at the beginning of wor
Penitent venturing, 153. ship, 452, 456, 461, 475, 477
pleading for pardon, 155, 479, 480, 481, 483, 485, 491,
157, 162,164. 492, 493.
rest for the, 862. at the close of worship,
Perfect man, end of shall be 499, 502, 505. 510, 663.
peace, 81. at baptism, 219, 222, 224, 227,
Perseverance, 70, 99, 281, 416, 228, 231, 232, 239.
495, 612. at dedication of places of
through Christ, 288,417. worship. See Dedica
through grace, 16, 495, 605, tion hymns.
607. at joining the church, 192.
Piety, early, 137,513. at the mercy seat, 338,424.
Pilgrimage, 404. at the new year, 536-538,
life a. 216, 383. 540.
Pleading in the name of at parting, 630,633.
Christ, 126,138. secret, 370.
praise to God, 273, 802, 306, evening, 440-443, 445-447,
321, 608. 449, 450.
to the trinity, 281. morning, 426, 431-439.
to Christ, 29, 41, 53, 60, 61, 68, for aid in the expression
84, 92, 95, 178, 804, 810, 811, of gratitude, 329.
321, 832, 504 for assurance, 358, 881, 458.
to Christ as a King, 60, 352. for children, 513.
to Christ, the Lamb, 87, at choosing a deacon. See
286,310. Ordination Hymns.