Page 20 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 20
Sabbath, worship on the, Sickness, sweetness of, sub
464-467, 469, 472. mission in, 624, 637.
blessings implored on the, Sin, confession of, 153-155
429, 464, 471, 473. 163.
Saints, general assembly of, indwelling lamented, 162.
312. sense of, 157,159,162.
on earth and in heaven, 80, Sincerity, prayer for, 459.
213. Sinners awakened, 151, 164,
Salvation, 171. 165,167.
through Christ, 6, 28, 54. 87, entreated by the mercies
93, 126, 169-174, 176, 181, of Christ, 121,131.
264. 334. expostulation with, 118,
by grace, 3-9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 120, 130,132, 133.
19, 178. glad tidings for, 515, 517.
a great mystery, 297. invited to Christ, 115, 117
Sanctuary, delight in, 273, 120, 121, 125, 127, 131, 133
300, 331, 472. 135, 142.
God present in, 478. invited and warned, 120,
invitation to, 582. 124.
thanksgiving and praise invitation and resolve, 139,
in, 582. 140.
Scriptures, delight and in room for, 125.
struction from, 488, 521, must be born again, 128
526, 685
excellence of, 282. 150.
only revelation, 526. joy for conversion of, 494.
suited to our wants, 488, prosperity of, brief, 435.
521. God just in their condem
preciousness of. 282. nation, 155, 164, 180.
sufficiency of, 488, 521.
Seasons, 538, 539. at the judgment, 673, 675,
Security in God, 367, 410, 417,
their doom, 124,129, 663.
Sovereign grace, 3, 5,6,12,17,
in Christ, 97, 99, 100, 606,
610. 143,178, 611.
Self-denial for Christ, 348. Spirit. See Holy Spibit.
distrust, 380, 381. Sweet Home, 419, 594.
examination, 381.
righteous hopes renounc T.
ed, 180.
Shepherd, God a, 299. THANKSGIVING, public,
Christ a, 319, 320, 338, 365, 538, 580, 581. 582, 583.
612. Thirsting after God, 528, 6»a,
Sickness and recovery, 636, Throne of grace, 424.
68a. Tidings, glad to sinners, 515,
and death, comfort in. 635. M7