Page 21 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 21

          Time, the accepted, 118,132.   Worship, anticipating, 430.
           frailty of life, 684.   Christ present in, 461 478.
           and eternity, 351, 666.  delight in, 300, 331, 430, 464,
          Trinity, praise to the, 281.   466, 467, 469, 472, 486, 487.
          Truth, word of, 474    desiring a blessing in, 530
          Trust in Christ, the only re­  dismission from, 505, 506,
            fuge, 28, 70, 87, 126, 180,   510, 511.
            181, 187.
                                 invocation of a blessing in,
           in God, 840, 343, 367, 878,   452, 456, 461, 472, 481, 483,
            425.                  485, 492, 493.
          Turtle dove, 211.     Worthies, following the de­
                                  parted, 350.
                                Work of truth, 474.
          VANITY of the world, 199,
            267, 682.                   Y.
          Vows made, 192.       YEAR, close of, 540, 541.
                                 new, 536, 537.
                                Young, encouraged to seek
          WALKING with God, 345.  Christ, 135.
          Warfare, the Christian, 396,   importance of religion to,
            897, 402.             336.
          Washing the saints’ feet, 260.   prayer for, 513.
           example of Christ in, 258.
           in imitation of Christ,      z.
                               ZEAL, 378, 396, 404.
           as a Christian duty, 259.   want of lamented, 571.
           the saints’ feet, desiring to   Zion, encouraged, 72, 322, 412,
            be worthy of, 262.    425, 547.
          Word, blessing on the, de­  afflictions of, 692.
            sired, 475^77, 479, 480,   beauties of, 531.
            483, 491, 499, 502.  God’s love to, 534, 547.
          World, vanity of, 89, 199, 267,   safety of, 532, 594.
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