Page 102 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 102
4 Now a new principle takes place,
Which guides and animates the will;
This love, another name for grace,
Constrains to good and bars from ill.
5 By love’s pure light, we soon perceive
Our noblest bliss and proper end,
And gladly every idol leave,
To love and serve our Lord and Friend.
G Thus borne along by Faith and Hope,
We feel the Saviour’s words are true;
“ And I, if I be lifted up,
Will draw the sinner upward too.”
108 C. M.
Seeking ike Beloved.
1 'T'O those who know the Lord, I speak !
' Is my beloved near ?
The bridegroom of my soul I seek,
O when will he appear ?
2 Though once a man of grief and shame,
Yet now he fills a throne,
And bears the greatest, sweetest name,
That earth or heaven has known.
3 Grace flies before and love attends
His steps where’er he goes,
Though none can see him but his friends,
And they were once his foes.
4. He speaks—obedient to his call
Our warm affections move;
Did he but shine alike on all,
Then all alike would love.
5 Then love in every heart would reign,
And war would cease to roar,