Page 141 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 141
2 Oh ! woe is me that I was born,
Or after death have being ;
Fain would I be some earthly worm,
Which has no future being ;
Or had I died when I was young,
Oh ! what would I have given !
Then might with babes my little tongue
Been praising God in heaven.
3 But now may I lament my case,
Just worn away by trouble ;
From day to day I looked for peace,
But find my sorrows double:
Cries Satan, * Desperate is your state :
Time’s been you might repented,
But now you see it is too late,
So make yourself contented ! ’
4 How can I live, how can 1 rest
Under this sore temptation,
Fearing the day of grace is past,
Lord, hear my lamentation !
For I am weary of my life,
My groans and bitter crying,
My wants are great, my mind’s in strife,
My spirit’s almost dying.
5 Without relief I soon shall die,
No hope of getting better ;
Show pity, Lord, and hear the cry
Of a distressed sinner.
For I’m resolved here to t ust
At thy footstool for favor,
Pleading for life, though death be just,
Make haste, Lord, to deliver.
6 ‘Come, hungry, weary, naked soul,
For such I ne’er rejected ;
J 22