Page 151 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 151
ITH melting heart and weeping eyes
V V My guilty soul for mercy cries ;
What shall I do or whither flee,
T’ escape the vengeance due to me ?
2 Till now I saw no danger nigh ;
I lived at ease, nor feared to die;
Wrapt up in self-conceit and pride,
‘ I shall have peace at last,’ I cried.
3 But when, great God, thy light divine
Had shone on this dark soul of mine,
Then I beheld with trembling awe,
The terrors of thy holy law.
4 How dreadful now my guilt appears,
In childhood, youth, and growing years
Before thy pure, discerning eye,
Lord, what a guilty wretch am I!
5 Should vengeance still my soul pursue,
Death and destruction are my due;
Yet mercy can my guilt forgive,
And bid a dying sinner live.
6 Does not thy sacred word proclaim
Salvation free in Jesus name?
To him I look and humbly cry,
‘O save a wretch condemned to die.’
165 S- M.
The shining light.
1 A A Y former hopes are fled,
1V1 My terror now begins ;
I feel, alas I that I am dead
Tn trespasses and sins.