Page 156 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 156
Perhaps my brethren know what
Such sore temptations mean :
I’ve told you of my conflicts,
Believe, my friends, ’tis true ;
And now you may inform me
If it be so with you.
168 Il’s.
The love of God manifested in pardon.
1 OME you who have tasted the goodness
of God,
And hope you are washed in Jesus’s blood ;
Who’re going to Canaan, that bright world
To the arms of a Saviour Emmanuel’s love.
2 Come, hear my relation, I’ll tell you to-day,
If an heir of salvation, how I come away :
A twelvemonth or past, at the age of fifteen,
what a rebel ’gainst God I had been.
3 Sometimes 1 endeavored my life to reform,
Then fearing to God I should never return :
At length condemnation appeared so just,
From the hope of salvation be banished I
1 My mind so uneasy, my soul was borne down,
My prayers would not save me, my life not
my own;
That death was my portion I thought I
could see,
Ingulf’d in the dungeon of wrath I must De.
5 At a time unexpected ray burden was moved;
I know not the reason, but Jesus I loved,