Page 163 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 163
2 The deeds that wondrous grace perforins,
Can ne’er be told by mortal worms;
Assist my song, ye heavenly forms,
To praise the name of Jesus.
Let heaven and earth the tidings spread,
The Saviour died and left the dead,
For sinful man he groaned and bled,
And from destruction frees us.
3 How welcome is this blissful sound
To guilty souls in fetters bound 1
’Twas in this state myself I found,
And feared Jehovah’s ire.
Beneath the sword of justice slain,
And sinking down to endless pain,
Convinced I must be born again,
Or burn in quenchless fire.
4 Trembling I fell beneath his eye,
And raised to heaven the ardent cry,
‘ O Jesus I save—I sink—I die—
O hasten to deliver 1’
Sweet beams of mercy, love and grace,
O’erspread his charming, smiling face ;
My soul received the kind embrace
That seals me his for ever.
177 C. M.
Indebtedness to Christ.
1 AA AJESTIC sweetness sits enthroned
1 ’ t Upon the Saviour’s brow ;
His head with radiant glories crowned,
His lips with grace o’erflow.
2 No mortal can with him compare.
Among the sons of men,