Page 166 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 166
Their beauty this, their glorious dress,
Jesus, the Lord, our righteousness.
480 C. M.
Justification by faith.
1 WAIN are the hopes the sons of men
V On their own works have built;
Their hearts by nature all unclean,
And all their actions guilt.
2 Let Jew and Gentile silent bow,
Without a murmuring word,
And the whole race of Adam stand
Guilty before the Lord.
3 In vain we ask God’s righteous law
To justify us now ;
Since to convince and to condemn
Is all the law can do.
4 Jesus, how glorious is thy grace !
When in thy name we trust,
Our faith receives a righteousness,
That makes the sinner just.
181 L. M.
The Lamb of God.
1 DEHOLL the sin-atoning Lamb,
D With wonder, gratitude and love;
To take away our guilt and shame,
See him descending from above.
2 Our sins and griefs on him were laid ;
He meekly bore the guilty load ;
Our ransom price he fully paid,
In groans and tears, in sweat and blood.