Page 172 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 172
3 Through duty, and through trials too,
I’ll go at his command ,
Hinder me not, for I am bound
To my Emmanuel’s land.
1 And when my Saviour calls me home,
Still this my cry shall be :
Hinder me not; come, welcome death,
I’ll gladly go with thee.
189 L. M.
Admission of new members.
1 \A7ELCOME, ye well-beloved of God,
W Ye heirs of grace redeemed by blood ;
Welcome with us your hands to join,
As partners of our lot divine.
2 With us the pilgrim’s state embrace,
We’re travelling to a blissful place;
The Holy Ghost, who knows the way,
Conducts us on from day to day.
3 Embrace the cross, and bear it on,
It shall be light, the way not long,
Soon shall we sit with Jesus down,
And wear an everlasting crown.
190 L. M.
Young members wishing to live to God.
1 DENEWED by grace, we love the word,
lx And yield our souls to Christ the Lord;
Then to the church ourselves we give,
In holy fellowship to live.
2 Lord, may we feel that we are thine,
And sweetly on thy breast recline;
Thy name revere, thy word obey,
And never cease to watch and pray.