Page 174 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 174
198 S. M.
^Receiving members—exhortation.
1 A LL you that in the flood
Ji Have owned your holy Lord,
And to his people joined yourselves
According to his word :
2 In Zion you should dwell,
Her alter ne’er forsake;
Should coine to all her duties well,
And all her joys partake.
3 She should employ your thoughts,
And your unceasing care ;
Her welfare be your constant wish
And her increase your prayer.
4 With humbleness of mind,
Among her sons rejoice;
A meek and quiet spirit is
With God of highest price.
5 Never offend nor grieve
Your brethren in the way
But shun the dark abodes of strife
Like children of the day.
6 In all your Saviour’s ways,
With willing footsteps move ;
Be faithful unto death and then
He’ll give you rest above.
194 L. M.
>1 welcome to new members.
A INLRBD in Christ, for his dear sake,
1 A hearty welcome here receive ;
May we together now partake
I he joys which only he can give.