Page 182 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 182
204 7s.
Prayer for protection from carnal profesnore.
1 0D of love, O hear our prayer,
Kindly for thy people care :
We on thee alone depend,
Love and save us to the end.
2 Save us in the prosperous hour,
From the flattering tempter’s power,
From his unsuspected wiles,
From the world’s pernicious smiles.
3 Cut off our dependence vain,
On the help of feeble man ;
Every arm of flesh remove,
Stay us on eternal love.
4 Men of worldly, low design,
Let not these thy people join;
Till they nothing know beside
Jesus, and him crucified.
o Save us from the great and wise,
Till they sink in their own eyes,
Tamely to thy yoke submit,
Lay their honors at thy feet.
6 Never let the world break in,
Fix thy word of truth between ;
Keep us lowly and unknown,
Prized and loved of thee alone.
205 L. M.
REAT Spirit of immortal love,
G Vouchsafe our frozen hearts to move
With ardor strong these breasts inflame,
To all that own a Saviour’s name.