Page 184 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 184

      The women were fearful of nothing but sin.
      Their hearts were all cheerful, their con­
          sciences clean.
    6  Wrapt up in the Lord, his service and love,
      They lived and adored like angels above;
      And blest with his presence, their lives they
          laid down,
      And now with their Saviour inherit the
    207      Second Part. P. M. 10s.
            Desiriny to live over jtrhnitive days.
     1  /A WHERE are the men with virtue en-
      To live as did then the servants of God ?
       The ancient example who show us again,
      Corageous to trample on pleasure and pain?
     2  O Jesus, on us the blessings bestow,
       We little ones choose thy glories to show ;
       In this generation thy witnesses raise,
       The heirs of salvation, the vessels of grace
     3  Accept our desire, and give us thy love,
       Thy children inspire with faith from above
       Purge out the old leaven and early convert,
       And open a heaven of grace in our heart.
     4  Begotten again and principled right,
       Good works to maintain and walk in thy
       We then shall recover that vigor of grace
       And gladly live over those primitive days’
     5  Our moments below shall pleasantly glide
       While nothing we know but Christ cruci­
     fied ;
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