Page 189 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 189
Walking in all his ways they find
Their heaven on earth begun.
2 The church triumphant in thy love,
Their mighty joys we know;
They sing the Lamb in hymns above,
And we in hymns below.
3 Thee in thy glorious realm they praise
And bow before thy throne ;
We in the kingdom of thy grace ;—
The kingdoms are but one.
1 The holy to the holiest leads :
From thence our spirits rise;
And he that in thy statutes treads,
Shall meet thee in the skies.
214 C. M.
The church triumphant.
1 A HOST of spirits round the throne
/A In humble posture stand ;
On every head a starry crown,
A palm in every hand.
2 From different regions of the globe
These happy spirits came;
In Jesus’ blood they washed their robe
And triumphed in his name.
3 One glorious body now they make,
More glorious far their head ;
Their souls to rapturous joys awake,
Their sorrows all are fled.
4 Without a jarring note they join
In ceaseless songs of praise ;
And to the sacred Three in one
Loud hallelujahs raise.