Page 192 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 192

     3  ’Tis like the oil, divinely sweet,
         On Aaron’s reverend head—
       The trickling drops perfumed his feet,
         And o’er his garments spread.
     4  ’Tis pleasant as the morning dews
         That fall on Zion’s hill,
       iVhere God his mildest glory shows,
         And makes his grace distil.

     218            <>. 8. Lenox.
          The Saviour baptized by John in Jordan.
     1  \X7HY tarriest thou ? arise,
        VV And be baptized straightway;
       This institution prize ;
         O come without delay !
       Since Jesus has thy sins forgiven,
       This is the way that leads to heaven.
     2  This is the way he trod,
         He bowed beneath the stream ;
       The great eternal God
         Did not account it mean,
       But loud proclaimed, ‘ This is my Son,
       And I’m well pleased with what he’i done.’
     3  Down from the upper skies
         Descends the peaceful Dove ;
       To Jesus’ head he flies,
         His conduct to approve,
       Thus Father, Son, and Spirit too,
       Unite to teach ns what to do.
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