Page 194 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 194
220 L. M.
Immersion the appointed mode.
1 \X7HEN we baptize, we see the mode
» » In honored Jordan’s swelling flood ;
We’re deaf to vain tradition’s voice,
The way Christ chose becomes our choice.
2 Down in the stream they both descend,
And John immersed the sinner’s Friend;
Out of the water straightway came
The Church’s Head, the obedient Lamb.
3 The Baptist saw the heavenly Dove
Descend from opening heavens above,
And now the Father’s voice is heard
Approving the incarnate Word.
4 ‘ This is my well beloved Son,
Well pleased am I with what lie’s done,
In all things he my will obeys,
Then hear and trust whate’er he says.’
5 Now, ye believing souls, regard
The example of your glorious Lord ;
Walk in his honored paths and prove
How much your souls his precepts love.
221 L. M.
A baptismal hymn.
1 O EE how the willing converts trace
O The path their great Redeemer trod,
And follow through his liquid grave
The meek, the lowly Son of God.
2 Here they renounce their former deeds,
And to a heavenly life aspire ;
Their rags for glorious robes exchanged,
They shine in clean and bright attire.