Page 198 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 198
’Tis you, ye children of the light
The Spirit and the Bride invite.
227 C. M.
Before baptism.
1 | ESUS, we own thy sovereign sway,
For thou art good and just ;
Help us thy precepts to obey,
And in thy name to trust.
2 Taught by thy Spirit and the word,
We in thy truth confide,
Regardless of a frowning world,
Who oft thy saints deride.
3 Wast thou in Jordan’s flood baptized,
Our great exhalted Head ?
O may we follow, though despised,
And in thy footsteps tread.
4 Buried beneath the yielding wave,
O Jesus, we would be,
And rising from the liquid grave,
Would live, O Eord, to thee !
5 Thus when the great archangel’s voice
Shall wake our sleeping dust,
Released from death, we’ll then rejoice,
And dwell among the just.
228 S. M.
Before baptism.
1 HTHOU great incarnate God !
’ Behold thy children stand ;
Warmed with the fire of love divine,
They bow to thy command.