Page 200 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 200

       Dread no ill that can befall you,
         While you make his ways your choice.
       Jesus says, ‘ Let each believer
         Be baptized in my name; ’
       He himself in Jordon’s river
         Was immersed beneath the stream.
     2  Plainly here his footsteps tracing,
         Follow him without delay ;
       Gladly his command embracing,
         Lo, your Captain leads the way !
       View the rite with understanding,
         Jesus’ grave before you lies ;
       Be immersed at his commanding,
         After his example rise.
     230                7s.
                Meditation before baptism.
     1  I I EAVENLY raptures fill my soul
       Fl While I gaze on Jesus’ tomb ;
       There no waves of trouble roll,
         In its bosom there is room.
     2  Long I sought, but sought in vain,
         How I might evade his call,
       Till at length my will was slain ;
         Jesus now is all in all.
     3  Precious souls who linger still,
         Or who wait for clearer light,
       All that’s wanting is a will—
         Gospel truth is shining bright.
     4  Take the Bible, read with care,
         Heed no arguments beside :
       Follow Jesus, live in prayer,
         Let his counsels be your guide.
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