Page 204 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 204
3 Out of the water up he came,
Young converts come and do the same;
His resurrection here we see,
Our death to sin—our liberty.
4 Buried in baptism with our Hord,
To life we rise, obey his word,
And soon our mouldering dust shall rise
Like him, and meet him in the skies.
5 ‘Go, teach the nations, and baptize,’
Aloud the ascending Jesus cries;
Thy precept, Lord, we would obey,
And follow thee without delay.
6 Come, precious souls, that love the Lord,
Fulfil this rite, obey his word;
With cheerful hearts join in his praise,
And love and serve him all your days.
236 S. M.
Christ’s love eonxtraineth us.
1 /CONSTRAINED by love, we come,
v-> Down to the water’s side,
To imitate God’s only Son,
The Christian’s only guide.
2 He has commanded us
To be baptized with him,
And cheerfully we bear the cross,
Renouncing every sin.
3 Here, then, we would begin
His blessed cross to bear ;
In token of our death to sin
We would be baptized here.
4 Here we would show his death
And resurrection clear;