Page 206 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 206

    B Is there here a weeping Mary,
        Waiting near the Saviour’s tomb,
      Heavy laden, sick and weary,
        Crying, ‘ O that I could come ! ’
    6  Welcome, all ye friends of Jesus,
        Welcome in his church below ;
      Venture wholly on the Saviour,
        Come, and with his people go.
    238               P. M.
               Christ baptised in Jordan.
    1  IN Jordan’s tide the Baptist stands,
       ' Immersing the repenting jews :
      Tha Son of God the rite demands,
        Nor dares the holy man refuse.
      Jesus descends beneath the wave,
      The emblem of his future grave,
    2  Wonder, ye heavens ! your Maker lies
        In deeps concealed from human view ;
      Ye saints, behold him sink and rise,
        A fit example thus for you.
      The sacred record, while you read,
      Calls you to imitate the deed.
    3  But lo, from yonder opening skies
        What beams of dazzling glory spread
      Dove-like th’ Eternal Spirit flies,
        And lights on the Redeemer’s head.
      Amazed they see the power divine
      Around the Saviour’s temples shine.
    4  But hark, my soul, hark and adore ;
        What sounds are these that roll along ?
      Not like loud Sinai’s awful roar,
        But soft and sweet as Gabriel’s song:
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