Page 76 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 76
n l. m.
Jesus yesterday, to-day, and forever the same.
1 LT IGH on his Father’s royal seat,
1 1 Our Jesus shone divinely great,
Ere Adam’s clay with life was warmed,
Or Gabriel’s nobler spirit formed.
2 Through all succeeding ages he
The same hath been—the same shall be;
Immortal radiance gilds his head,
While stars and sun wax old and fade.
3 The same his power his flock to guard,
The same his bounty to reward,
The same his faithfulness and love,
To saints on earth and saints above.
4 Eet nature change, and sink, and die,
Jesus shall raise his chosen high,
And fix them near his stable throne
In glory changeless as his own.
72 C. M.
The Builder.
J f->HRIST plans the temple of the Eora,
And all the building rears,
And, be his holy name adored,
He all the glory bears.
2 The vast materials all he forms,
Nor love nor pow’er he spares;
He guards the building from all harms,
And all the glory bears.
3 In this blest building may my soul
A living stone appear,
And h^, the builder of the whole
Shall all the glory bear.