Page 74 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 74
3 Needful is thy most precious blood;
Needful is thy correcting rod ;
Needful is thy indulgent care ;
Needful thy all prevailing prayer.
4 Needful thy presence, dearest Lord,
True peace and comfort to afford ;
Needful thy promise, to impart
Fresh life and vigor to my heart.
5 Then shall my soul, with joy supreme,
Dwell on the dear, delightful theme;
Glory and praise be ever his—
The one thing needful Jesus is.
68 C. M.
Christ the King of Saints.
1 /^OME, ye that love the Saviour’s nams
And joy to make it known;
The sovereign of your heart proclaim,
And bow before his throne.
2 Behold your King, your Saviour, crowned
With glories all divine,
And tell the wondering nations round,
How bright those glories shine
3 Infinite power and boundless grace
In him unite their rays;
You that have seen his lovely face,
Can you forbear his praise ?
69 C. M.
The same.
1 \ X 7 HEN in his earthly courts we view
* » The beauties of our King,
We long to love as angels do,
And wish like them to sing.