Page 109 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 109
Freely the gift of God receive,
Pardon and peace in Jesus find.
116 L. M.
Come and see.
1 I ESUS, dear name, how sweet it sounds
Replete with balm for all my wounds ;
His word declares his grace is free ;
Come, needy sinner, ‘ come and see.’
2 He left the shining courts on high,
Come to the world to bleed and die ;
Jesus, the Eord, hung on a tree !
Come, thoughtless sinner, ‘ come and see.’
3 Your sins did pierce his bleeding heart,
Till death had done its dreadful part;
Hi?> boundless love extends to thee,
Come, trembling sinner, ‘ come and see.’
4 His blood can cleanse the foulest stain,
And make the vilest sinner clean ;
This fountain open stands for thee,
Come, guilty sinner, ‘ come and see.’
5 The garment of his shining grace,
His glorious robe of righteousness ;
In this array thou bright shall be,
Come, naked sinner, ‘ come and see.’
6 No tongue can tell what glories shine
In our Emmanuel all divine :
O that in sweetest melody
Each heart may sing, ‘ he died for me.'
117 C. M.
Invitation and promises.
1 IN vain we lavish out our lives
1 To gather empty wind :