Page 123 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 123
And every promise in his word,
Declares there yet is room.
3 Lord, draw reluctant souls,
And feast them with thy love ;
Then will the angels clap their wings,
And bear the news above.
4 At length around thy throne,
They shall thy face behold,
While through eternity they’ll strive
Their raptures to unfold.
133 L. M.
The coining sinner encouraged.
1 I I ARK ! ’tis the Saviour’s voice I hear,
11 Come, trembling soul, dispel thy fear;
He saith—and who his word can doubt ?—*
He will in no wise cast you out.
2 Doth Satan fill you with dismay,
And tell you Christ will cast away?
It is a truth—why should you doubt ?
He will in no wise cast you out.
3 Doth sin appear before your view
Of scarlet or of crimson hue ?
If black as hell, why should you doubt ?
He will in no wise cast you out.
4 The publican and dying thief
Applied to Christ and found relief;
Nor need you entertain a doubt,
He will in no wise cast you out.
5 Approach your God, make no delay,
He waits to welcome you to-day :
His mercy try, no longer doubt,
He will in no wise case you out.