Page 120 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 120
2 The righteousness, th’ atoning blood
Of Jesus is the way to God ;
O may you then no longer stray,
But walk in Christ, the good old way.
3 The prophets and apostles too,
Pursued this way while here below;
Then let not fear your soul dismay,
But come to Christ, the good old way.
4 With cautious zeal and holy care,
In this dear way I’ll persevere,
Nor doubt to meet another day,
Where Jesus is, the good old way.
128 C. M.
Ye must be born again.
1 OINNERS, this solemn truth regard
Hear, all ye sons of men,
For Christ the Saviour hath declared,
‘ Ye must be born again.’
2 Wliate’er might be your birth or blood.
The sinner’s boast is vain;
Thus saith the glorious Son of God ;
‘Ye must be born again.’
3 Our nature’s totally depraved—
The heart’s a sink of sin ;
Without a change, we can’t be saved ;
‘ Ye must be born again.’
4 Spirit of Life, thy grace impart,
And breathe on sinners slain ;
Bear witness, Lord, in every heart,
That we are born again.
5 Dear Saviour, let us now begin
To trust and love thy word,