Page 237 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 237
274 C. M.
Zove to the Saviour.
1 'T'HOU lovely source of true delight,
1 Whom I unseen adore,
Unveil thy beauties to my sight,
That I may love thee more.
2 Thy glory o’er creation shines,
But in thy sacred word
I read in fairer, brighter lines,
My bleeding, dying Lord.
3 Jesus, my Lord, my life, my light,
O come with blissful ray ;
Break radiant through the shades of night,
And chase my fears away.
4 Then shall my soul with rapture trace
The wonders of thy love ;
But the full glories of thy face
Are only known above.
275 C. M.
A transporting view of the heavenly Canaan.
1 P|N Jordan’s stormy banks I stand,
And cast a wishful eye
To Canaan’s fair and happy land,
Where my possessions lie.
2 O the transporting, rapt’rous scene,
That rises to my sight !
Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
And nvers of delight.
3 There generous fruits that never fail,
On trees immortal grow ;
There rocks, and hills, and brooks, and vales,
With milk and honey flow.