Page 242 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 242
283 C. M.
Love anil gratitude.
1 A ND have I, Christ, no love for thee,
/a No passion for thy charms ?
No wish my Saviour’s face to see,
And dwell within his arms ?
2 Is there no spark of gratitude
In this cold heart of mine,
To him whose generous bosom glowed
With friendship all divine ?
3 Can I pronounce his charming name,
His acts of kindness tell,
And while I dwell upon the theme
No sweet emotion feel ?
4 Such base ingratitude as this,
What heart but must detest!
Sure Christ deserves the noblest place
In every human breast.
5 A very wretch, Lord, I should prove,
Had I no love for thee ;
Rather than not my Saviour love,
O may I cease to be.
284 C. M. Chorused.
The new Jerusalem described anil desired.
1 JERUSALEM, my happy home,
J O how I long for thee ;
When will my sorrows have an end ?
Thy joys when shall I see ?
Chorus:—O the place, the happy place,
The place where Jesus is !
The place where Christians all sha] |
In everlasting bliss. [meet.