Page 247 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 247

                  291                C. M.
                     Omniscience and Omnipresence. of God celebrated.
                  1  A WHERE from thy Spirit shall I stretch
                     VV The pinions of my flight ?
                    Or where through nature’s spacious range
                      Shall I elude thy sight ?
                  2  Scaled I the skies, the blaze divine
                      Would overwhelm mv soul;
                    Plunged I to hell, there should I hear
                      Thine awful thunders roll.
                  3  If on a morning’s darting ray,
                       With matchless speed I rode,
                    And flew to the wild, lonely shore,
                      That bounds the ocean’s flood ;
                  4  Thither thine hand, all-present God
                       Must guide the wondrous way,
                     And thine omnipotence support
                      The fabric of my clay.
                   5  Should I involve myself around
                       With clouds of tenfold light,
                     The clouds would shine like blazing seas,
                       Before thy piercing sight.
                   6  If in thy being so enclosed,
                       How vain th’ attempt to fly,
                     Since every rising bud of thought
                       Is naked to thine eye I
                   292               C. M.
                                The praises of Christ.
                   1  I NFINITE excellence is thine
                     1 Thou lovely Prince of Grace ;
                     Thy uncreated beauties shine
                       With never-fading rays.
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