Page 246 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 246

    2  Ere rolling worlds began to move,
        Or ere the heavens were stretched abroad
      Thy awful throne was fixed above,
       From everlasting thou art God.
    3  The Lord, the mighty God on high,
       Controls the fiercely raging seas ;
      He speaks, and noise and tempest fly,
       The waves sink down in gentle peace.
    4  Thy sovereign laws are ever sure,
       Eternal holiness is thine,
      And, Lord, thy people should be pure,
        And in thy blest resemblance shine.
    290               C. M.
                God’s love. Joliniii, 16.
    1  ’T'WAS not to make Jehovah’s love
        * Towards the sinner flame,
     That Jesus from his throne above,
       A suffering man became.
    2  ’Twas not the death which he endured,
       Nor all the pangs he bore,
     That God’s eternal love procured,
       For God was love before.
    3  He loved the world, his own elect,
       With love surpassing thought :
      Nor will his mercy e’er neglect
       The souls so dearly bought.
    4  The warm affections of his breast
       Towards his children burn,
      And in his love lie’ll ever rest,
       Nor from his oath return.
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