Page 243 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 243
2 Thy walls are all of precious stone,
Most glorious to behold ;
Thy gates are richly set with pearls,
Thy streets are paved with gold.
3 Thy gardens and thy pleasant greens,
My study long have been ;
Such sparkling light by human sight
Hath never yet been seen.
4 If heaven be thus glorious, Lord,
Why should I stay from thence ?
What folly ’tis that makes me dread
To die and go from hence.
5 Reach down, reach down thine arm of grace
And cause me to ascend
Where congregations ne’er break up,
And sabbaths never end.
G Jesus, my love, to glory’s gone,
Him will I go and see ;
And all my brethren here below
Will soon come after me.
7 My friends I bid you all adieu,
I leave you in God’s care,
And if no more I here see you,
Go on, I’ll meet you there.
8 And if our happiness below
In Jesus be so sweet,
What heights of rapture shall we know,
When round his throne we meet.
9 There shall we meet, and no more part
And heaven shall ring with praise,
While Jesus’ love in every heart,
Shall tune the song—free grace.