Page 239 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 239
First in our mortal flesh to serve,
Then in that flesh to die.
4 Bought with thy service and thy blood,
We doubly, Lord, are thine ;
To thee our lives we would devote,
To thee our death resign.
277 L. M.
A. glimpse of Christ is joyful.
1 | ESUS, what shall I do to show
J How much I love thy charming name?
Let my whole heart with rapture glow,
Thy boundless goodness to proclaim.
2 Lord, If a distant glimpse of thee
Can give such sweet, such vast delight,
What must the joy, the triumph be,
To dwell forever in thy sight ?
278 C. M.
Rejoicing in the mercies of God.
1 CAIN would my soul with wonder trace
i Thy mercies, O my God,
And tell the riches of thy grace,
The merits of thy blood.
2 With Israel’s King my heart would cry,
While I review thy ways,
Tell me, my Saviour, who am I,
That I should see thy face ?
3 Formed by thy hand, and formed for thee,
I would be ever thine ;
My Saviour, make my spirit free,
With beams of mercy shine.
4 Fain would my soul with rapture dwell
On thy redeeming grace.