Page 245 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 245
‘287 C. M.
Glorying in God only.
1 VE saints, of every rank, with joy
I To God your offerings bring ;
Let towns and cities, hills and vales,
With loud hosannas ring.
2 Let him receive the glory due
To his exalted name ;
With thankful hearts and tongues inflamed,
His wondrous deeds proclaim.
3 Praise him in elevated strains,
And make the world to know
How great the master whom you serve,
And yet how gracious too.
288 C. M.
Through much tribulation we go to heaven.
1 seek a rest beyond the skies,
VV in everlasting day ;
Through floods and flames the passage lies
But Jesus guards the way.
2 The swelling flood the raging flame
Hear and obey his word ;
Then let us triumph in his name,
Our Saviour is the Lord.
289 L. M.
The dominion of God celebrated.
1 THE Lord, the God of glory, reigns,
1 In robes of majesty arrayed ;
His rule Omnipotence sustains,
And guides the world his hands have made,