Page 266 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 266

       And those that see thy wondrous ways,
         Thy wondrous love record.
     316         S. M. Newburg.
                    Universal praise.
     1  | ET every creature join
           To praise th’ eternal God,
       Ye heavenly hosts, the song begin,
         And sound his name abroad.
     2  Thou sun, with golden beams,
         And moon with paler rays,
       Ye starry lights, ye twinkling flames,
         Shine to your Maker’s praise.
     3  He built those worlds above,
         And fixed their wondrous frame ;
       By his command they stand or move,
         And ever speak his name.
     4  By all his works above.
         His honors be expressed ;
       But saints that taste his saving love,
         Should sing his praises best.
     317               L. M.
              Jesus the bright morning star.
     1  A X/ITH joy, ye saints, attend and raise
        ’ ’ Your voices in harmonious praise ;
       Blest Spirit, every heart prepare
       To sing the bright, the morning Star.
     2  In glory bright the Saviour reigns,
       And endless grandeur there sustains ;
       We view his beams and from afar,
       Hail him the bright, the morning Star.
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