Page 270 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 270

    322                 8, 7,
             Zion is defended and supplied.
    1    LORIOUS things of thee are spoken,
          Zion, city of our God ;
      He whose word cannot be broken,
        Formed thee for his own abode.
      On the Rock of Ages founded,
        What can shake thy sure repose ?
      With salvation’s walls surrounded,
        Thou may st smile at all thy foes.
    2  See, the streams of living waters
        Springing from eternal love,
      Well supply thy sons and daughters
        And all fear of want remove.
      Who can faint while such a river
        Ever flows their thirst t’ assuage ;
      Grace which, like the Lord, the giver,
        Never fails from age to age.
    3  Round each habitation hovering,
        See the cloud and fire appear,
      For a glory and a covering,
        Showing that the Lord is near :
      Thus deriving from their banner
        Light by night and shade by day,
      Thus they feed upon the manna
        Which he gives them when they pray.
    4  Bless’d inhabitants of Zion,
        Washed in the Redeemer’s blood;
      Jesus, whom their souls rely on,
        Makes them kings and priests to God.
      ’Tis his love his people raises
        Over self to reign as kings ;
      And, as priests, his solemn praises
        Each for a thank-off’ring brings.
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