Page 293 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 293

                   2  With feeble light, and half obscure,
                       Poor mortals thy arrangements view,
                     Not knowing that the least are sure,
                       And the mysterious just and true.
                   3  Thy flock, thy own peculiar care,
                       Though now they seem to roam uneyed
                     Are led or driven only where
                       They best and safest may abide.
                   4  They neither know nor trace the way,
                     But, trusting to thy piercing eye,
                       None of their feet to ruin stray,
                     Nor shall the weakest fail or die.
                   350                 C. M.
                                  Faith conquering.
                   1  DISH, O my soul, pursue the path
                      lx By ancient heroes trod ;
                     Aspiring, view those holy men
                       Who lived and walked with God.
                   2  Though dead, they speak in reason’s ear,
                       And in example live:
                     Their faith, and hope, and mighty deeds,
                       Still fresh instruction give.
                   3  ’Twas through the Lamb’s most precious
                      They conquered every foe ;
                      And to his power and matchless grace,
                        Their crowns and honors owe.
                    4  Lord, may I ever keep in view
                        The patterns thou hast given,
                      And ne’er forsake the blessed road
                        Which led them safe to heaven.
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