Page 295 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 295
4 When I in heaven with God appear
There I shall him adore ;
Destroyed shall be my sin and fear,
And I cast down no more.
853 C. M.
1 p IRMLY I stand on Zion’s hill,
V And view my starry crown ;
No power on earth my hope can shake,
Nor hell can pull me down.
2 The lofty hills and stately towers
That lift their heads on high,
Shall all be levelled in the dust;
Their very name shall die.
3 The vaulted heavens shall melt away,
Built by Jehovah’s hands;
But firmer than the heavens, the Rock
Of my salvation stands.
354 C. M.
Faith and resignation.
1 THROUGH all the downward tracks of
1 God’s watchful eye surveys: [time,
Oh, who so wise to choose our lot
Or regulate our ways?
2 I cannot doubt his bounteous love,
Unmeasurably kind;
To his unerring, gracious will,
Be every wish resigned.
3 Good when he gives, supremely good,
Nor less when he denies;
E’en crosses from his sovereign hand
Are blessings in disguise.