Page 294 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 294
851 L. M.
Kefleetioiu on life and eternity.
1 CTERNITY is just at hand,
L* And shall I waste my ebbing sand.
And careless view departing day,
And throw my inch of time avvay.
2 Eternity ! tremendous sound;
To guilty souls a dreadful wound ;
But Oh ! if Christ and heaven be mine,
How sweet the accents, how divine.
3 Be this my chief, my only care,
My high pursuit, my ardent prayer;
An interest in the Saviour’s blood,
My pardon sealed, and peace with God.
4 Search, Lord, O search my inmost heart,
And light, and hope, and joy impart;
From guilt and error set me free,
And guide me safe to heaven and thee.
352 C. M.
Cast down, but not destroyed.
1 j\IOW in thy praise, eternal King,
‘ Be all my thoughts employed,
While of this precious truth I sing—
Cast down, but not destroyed.
2 Oft the united powers of hell
My soul have sore annoyed :
And yet I live this truth to tell—
Cast down, but not destroyed.
3 In all the paths through which I’ve pass’d,
What mercies I’ve enjoyed !
And this shall be my song at last—
Cast down, but not destroyed.