Page 313 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 313
3 I find myself out of the way,
My thoughts are often gone astray,
Like one alone I seem to be ;
Oh ! is there any one like me ?
4 ’Tis seldom I can ever see
Myself as I would wish to be:
What I desire, I can’t attain,
From what I hate, I can’t refrain.
5 So far from God I seem to lie,
Which makes me often weep and cry,
I fear at last that I shall fall ;
For if a saint, the least of all.
6 I seldom find a heart to pray,
So many things step in my way ;
Thus filled with doubts, I ask to know-
Come, tell me, is it thus with you ?
7 So by experience I do know
There’s nothing good that 1 can do ;
I cannot satisfy the law,
Nor hope, nor comfort from it draw.
8 My nature is so prone to sin,
Which makes my duty so unclean,
That when I count up all the cost,
If not free grace, theu I am lost.
381 7s.
The important point,
1 ’'T'IS a point I long to know,
1 Oft it causes anxious thought,
Do I love the Lord, or no ?
Am I his, or am I not ?
2 If I love, why am I thus?
Why this dull and lifeless frame?