Page 317 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 317
Sometimes we meet together,
The season’s dry and dull;
Sometimes we find a blessing,
With joy it fills my soul.
4 Sometimes I am oppressed
By Pharaoh’s cruel hand ;
Sometimes I look o’er Jordan,
And view the promised land;
Sometimes I am in darkness,
Sometimes I’m in the light;
And then my soul is winged,
And upward speeds it flight.
5 Sometimes I travel mourning,
Down Babel’s ancient stream;
Sometimes my Lord’s religion
Appears my only theme :
Sometimes when I am praying,
It seems almost a task ;
Sometimes I find a blessing,
The greatest I can ask.
6 Sometimes I read my bible,
And ’tis a sealed book ;
Sometimes I find a blessing
When’er therein I look :
Sometimes 1 go to meeting,
And wish myself at home;
Sometimes I find my Saviour,
And then I’m glad I come.
7 Lord, why am I thus tossed,
Thus tossed to and fro ?
Why are my hopes thus crossed;
Where'er I’m called to go ?
O Lord, thou never changest,
And ’tis because I stray ;