Page 322 - bethel-primitive-baptist-hymns
P. 322
And then away to Jesus
On wings of love I’ll fly.
Farewell to sin and sorrow,
I bid them both adieu ;
And you, my friends, prove faithful,
And on your way pursue.
1 O do not be discouraged,
For Jesus is your friend,
And if you lack for knowledge,
He’ll guide you to the end.
Neither will he upbraid you,
Though often you request,
But give you grace to conquer,
And take you home to rest.
5 And if you meet with trials,
And troubles by the way,
Then cast your care on Jesus,
And don’t forget to pray.
Gird on the blessed armor
Of faith, and truth, and love,
And when your race is ended,
He’ll take you home above,
fl 0 then press on with courage,
To meet your dearest Lord ;
He has a place prepared,
He tells us in his word.
For all who live uprightly,
And obedient to his will,
Bright angels shall convey them
To the new Jerusalem.
7 And when my race is ended,
I’ll go away to God,
And there I’ll see my Jesus,
Who bought me with his blood.